Eumundi Museum
73 Memorial Drive, Eumundi
Eumundi Museum recently reopened in May 2022 after major renovations and a complete exhibition overhaul. Its displays include an introduction to the history of the town, with touchscreens on social and natural history, and regularly changing temporary and touring exhibitions. Further renovations will continue over the next 12 months or so.
The museum is housed in the old Methodist Church, built in 1911. This replaced the first church in town, a small Salvation Army barracks erected in 1894. The church was renovated in 1941, which included the installation of electricity. The front portico and yard had major changes completed in 1958. The museum moved into the building in 1996. Extensions were added in 2005 to house a wagon built around 1920 by the local blacksmith and cartwright, George Adams. Opened on 18 May 2015, Wan’din’in Gallery – a local Indigenous Kabi Kabi word for a gathering of people – was built behind the museum to provide a unique community space for meetings, workshops, and exhibitions, and will soon be incorporated as a temporary exhibition space as part of the ongoing renovations.
Eumundi Museum is usually open Tuesdays – Saturdays, 10am – 3pm. Free Entry