Sunshine Coast Open House is a free community event which offers rare behind-the-scenes access to the Sunshine Coast’s best buildings ranging from private homes, corporate buildings, heritage treasures and sustainable spaces.
The next annual Sunshine Coast Open House weekend will be held on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 October 2025. It will showcase historic, contemporary and sustainable buildings from Caloundra to the Hinterland and Cooran.
Sunshine Coast Open House was founded in 2017 by the Sunshine Coast Council, Noosa Council and the Australian Institute of Architects (Sunshine Coast Committee). Open House has received generous funding and in-kind support from the Sunshine Coast Council’s Arts and Heritage Levy and other government, corporate and community organisations. In its inaugural year, Sunshine Coast Open House celebrated the 50th anniversary of the official naming of the Sunshine Coast.
The Open House event has opened many architecturally diverse buildings each year for the public to tour. Sunshine Coast Open House also hosts a number of associated events, walking tours, and talks each year, including its annual Open Forum which focuses on topical, thought-provoking issues.
The Sunshine Coast Open House celebrates the built environment of the Sunshine Coast and Noosa regions by showcasing local design, architecture, heritage, gardens, sustainable development, and art projects. It provides a platform for education and meaningful discussions among the community, industry, and government about the future of the region—including urban landscape, housing, growth, heritage, regional character, culture, transport, and sustainable living in harmony with the natural environment.

Sunshine Coast Open House is part of the Open House Worldwide network, founded by Open House London more than 25 years ago and now in 55+ cities around the world.
Sunshine Coast Open House Committee
- Ian Diamond, Architect, Director at Dimond Architects (Chair)
- Noel Robinson, Architect, Director at NRA collective (Patron)
- Laurie Jones, Heritage Architect
- Magdy Youssef, MPIA Fellow, Urban Design and Town Planning (Secretary)
- Paul William-Smith, Community Representative (Sponsorship)
- Ron Scott, Community Representative and Sponsor
- Gina Scheer, Heritage Archaeologist
- Thomas O’Shea, Architect
- Evelyn Murphy, Urban Designer, Sunshine Coast Council
- Jane Harding, Noosa Council
- Cheryl Nash, Project Officer
- Stephanie Keays, Architect, Noosa Council
- Sarah Chalkley, Manager Urban Design and Architecture, Sunshine Coast Council
- Tony Holzberger, Principal Architect, Sunshine Coast Council
Since its inception in 2010 the Office of the Queensland Government Architect has actively promoted the Open House concept across the state.
Queensland’s regional centres and their high quality of built environments allow the initiative to support strong tourism, cultural and professional development throughout the state. A regional program involving the cities of Cairns, Townsville, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Maryborough was identified and progressed, with the first regional event – Maryborough Open House – staged on 27 October 2012.
In addition to Sunshine Coast Open House, visitors can also enjoy the following Open House events across Queensland:
The inaugural Brisbane Open House was launched in 2010 with great success, attracting more than 12, 500 visits. Each year, the event has continued to grow and in 2019, our tenth anniversary, BOH attracted 80,000 visits from over 35, participants across 119 sites.

Gold Coast Open House highlights the extraordinary local buildings, places and spaces that shape the city and our lifestyle. We do this through a program of architect-led building tours, self-guided tours, public panel discussions, and more.

The Open House concept was founded in London in 1992 by Victoria Thornton OBE, aiming to create a wider community able to engage with architecture on their own terms and argue for a better quality of built environment.
Open House facilitates opportunities for a city’s inhabitants to directly experience how well-designed cities can improve their lives, by opening examples of architectural excellence to the public. These experiences stimulate dialogue about architecture and learning, which empowers people to advocate for a well-designed built environment.
The concept resonated with cities internationally and the organic growth of independent Open House cities led to the creation of the Open House Worldwide Family of affiliated cities in 2010, which has grown to about 40 cities across five continents.